出光興産は、2013年をめどに石油精製能力を16%削減する。不振の国内石油事業を立て直す一方、有機EL素材等の成長分野に経営資源を投入する。どのような優良企業でも、いつまでも現業に依存し続けることはできない。石炭がエネルギー源の主役であった時代に、貝島炭鉱という当時の超優良企業があった。社員の福利厚生にも力を入れた素晴らしい企業であった。しかし、エネルギー源が石炭から石油に代わっても、貝島炭鉱は「貝島家は石炭を専業とすべし」という家訓を守って、事業領域を見直すことはなかった。そして、人々の記憶のかなたに消えていった。現在、国内の石油精製能力の約20%が余剰といわれている。電気自動車の普及に拍車がかかり、原子力発電のさらなる普及が見込まれる現状では、将来、石油が石炭と同じ運命をたどらないという保証はない。定期的に事業領域を見直し、事業環境の変化に対応して、会社を作り変えることが必要である。(Written by Shigeo Sunahara of CBC, Inc.)

No. 54: Review the business domain regularly. (April 26, 2010)
Idemitsu Kosan will reduce the oil refinery capacity by 16% toward 2013. While reorganizing the sluggish domestic oil business, the company will invest in promising business fields like organic electro luminescent (EL). No company can continue to depend only on the current business indefinitely even if it is enjoying the leading position in the market. In the days when coal was the major source of energy, we had Kaijima Coal Company that was then a super excellent company. It was a truly laudable company in the sense that it offered well organized family benefits to the employees. However, it never reviewed the business domain while oil was replacing coal as the major source of energy because it faithfully observed the Kaijima family’s precept that the Kaijima family should focus only on the coal business and fell into oblivion. The current surplus of domestic oil refinery capacity is estimated at 20% in Japan. Today, the spread of e-cars accelerates and nuclear power generation seems to be hot business. Under these circumstances, no one can say with great confidence that oil will not have the same fate as coal. It is necessary to review the business domain regularly and reorganize the company responding to ever-changing business environment.