国内市場が低迷し、コスト削減に各社は大変な努力をしているが、1社だけの努力では、もう限界が見えている。先進国で売れれば、ビジネスが成り立った時代は終わり、新興国でどのように市場を確立するかが問われる時代になっている。新興国の市場で戦うには、どうしても、規模の経済性を追求することが必要になってくる。小売業界では、大手デパート同士の経営統合が、「規模の追及は必ずしもデパートにとって強みにならない」として、見送られた。しかし、小売業界といえども、内向きでビジネスができる時代は終わっている。規模の経済性を追求し、海外市場へ出て行かないと、グローバルな競争に負ける。グローバル競争における国内市場をニッチ市場と考えれば、規模の経済性の追求の重要性が理解できる。ニッチ市場で大活躍する企業も、さらなる発展を望むとすれば、規模の経済性を追求して、大企業が活躍する市場に食い込むしかない。(Written by Shigeo Sunahara of CBC, Inc.)

No. 51: Pursuing economies of scale (April 5, 2010)
Amid the stagnant domestic market, all Japanese companies are deeply absorbed in reducing costs to compete successfully in the market. It seems, however, that collaboration with other companies has become necessary because no company can achieve substantial cost reduction independently. The days that companies can prosper only by selling their products in advanced countries have gone, and it is now vital for them to establish the market in emerging countries. Like it or not, pursuing economies of scale is the strategy that every company has to pursue to compete in emerging countries. In the retail industry, two leading department stores did not materialize the management integration, saying that pursuing economies of scale is not helpful for stronger business structure of department stores. However, it should be noted that even the retail industry cannot expand sales with emphasis only on the domestic market. They have to develop the foreign market in pursuit of economies of scale. Otherwise, they will lose in the global competition. You can understand easily how important pursuing economies of scale is if you think the domestic market is a niche market in the global market. Even a company enjoying the great presence in a niche market, it has to pursue economies of scale and compete in the market where bigger companies have established positions should it hope for further expansion in business.