フィットネスクラブやホテルなどで、利用時間を短縮して料金を抑えたサービスが広がっている。都内のフィットネスクラブでは、一回あたり90分以内の利用に限定した会員を募っているほか、ホテルでも宿泊料金を2-3割引で客室を8時間利用できるプランが登場した。その背景には、支出を少しでも減らそうとする消費者の行動とともに、従来型の9時から5時の勤務形態の変化も見逃せない。集中と自由な発想を求める仕事では、一時間フィットネスクラブで汗を流して、午後、人より一時間長く働き実績を上げる勤務形態も可能なら、仕事に勢いが出てきて、そのまま夜勤をする。そして、ホテルで朝6時にチェックインして睡眠をとり、昼から出社ということも可能になっている。新商品の開発となると、大抵、所得層や家族構成の切り口で、消費者の好みの変化を追いかける。ライフスタイルや勤務形態の多様化は商品開発に必要な市場細分化の切り口を与えてくれる。(Written by Shigeo Sunahara of CBC, Inc.)

No. 46: Diversification means market segmentation. (March 1, 2010)
An increasing number of fitness centers and hotels are offering services that consumers can use at a lower price in exchange for shorter utilization time. A fitness center in Tokyo, for example, invites consumers who wish to use the facilities for less than 90 minutes per visit, and a hotel allows guests to stay for eight hours for a price 20-30% lower than the standard price. Of course, consumers’ intention to decrease spending drives these trends, but it is also noteworthy that the conventional working hours from 9:00 to 17:00 are changing in the business world. In the work that needs high degree of concentration and freewheeling thinking, workers can have a different working form from office workers. They can increase productivity by working out for one hour in a fitness center in the afternoon and working for one hour longer in the evening with much concentration in the quiet workplace. They can work through the night while creativity springs from their brains. Next morning, they check in a hotel nearby at 6:00 a.m. and sleep until 12:00 p.m. to start another working day at 1:00 p.m. Companies usually look into the change of consumers’ tastes from such clues as income group and family structure to develop a new product. It is important to note that diversification in lifestyle and working form gives a clue of market segmentation necessary for the development of new products.