日産自動車の2010年3月期の連結営業損益が約3,000億円の黒字となり、前年比約4,300億円の改善となる予定である。中国を中心とした新興国の販売拡大が予想以上に効果をあげたのが大きい。日産はトヨタやホンダより中国進出では後発だった。だが、先行する企業より日産が中国市場で好調なのは、「東京以上の人口規模」の地方都市のある内陸部で、いちはやく効率的な販売活動を構築した結果である。どのような業界であっても、自社にとって魅力ある市場は、他社にも魅力ある市場で、多くの企業が同じ市場に進出し、結果的に競争が激しくなり、後発企業の業績は低迷することになる。地方の企業が東京等の大都市に進出するのが典型的な例である。目を転じて、大都市の周辺市場に行けば、比較的容易にビジネスチャンスが見つかる場合が多い。つまり、人の行く裏に道あり花の山である。大都市の周辺の市場を開拓し、その後大都市にベクトルを向けると道が開ける。(Written by Shigeo Sunahara of CBC, Inc.)

No. 44: Develop the market in areas that no one takes notice (February 15, 2010)

Nissan Motor is expected to achieve consolidated operating profits of about 300 billion yen for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2010, recording an increase of 430 billion yen from the preceding fiscal year. Nissan’s remarkable business recovery is largely thanks to its sales expansion in emerging countries, especially in China. Nissan was behind Toyota and Honda in developing the Chinese market. However, Nissan is doing well in China because it successfully established efficient sales networks in Chinese inland areas that have relatively a large population like Tokyo. In whatever industry a company is doing business, an attractive market for a company is also attractive for other companies. Accordingly, many companies rush into the same attractive market one after another, and competition grows even harder and late entrants are forced to struggle for survival. This trend is symbolized by local companies that rush into big cities like Tokyo and Osaka. It may be advisable to shift eyes from big cities to their surrounding areas. Companies can find business opportunities easily in the market surrounding a big city. That is, let’s develop the market in areas that no one takes notice. There are lots of business opportunities in these markets. It is strongly suggested that companies set their vector toward a big city after establishing solid presentation in the unnoticed market.