次から次へと新商品を増やす飲料メーカー。限られた市場で多くの飲料メーカーが競争している。かつて、サッポロ飲料は、より規模の大きい他のビール系飲料メーカーを意識して、負けてはならないとばかりに商品数を増やした。そのため、3期連続の営業赤字を記録した。そこで、商品を大幅に絞り込み、宣伝・販売のコストを身の丈に合わせたことで、現在、利益は上昇傾向にある。セイコーもブランド数を半減した。企業規模に関係なく、日本企業は世界市場を視野に入れて、体系的なブランド戦略を考える必要がある。米国流の規格品の大量生産に背を向けて、ひたすら職人技の結晶としての高級ブランドの構築に成功したグッチやエルメス。対象的に、欧米流の生活様式の広がりを背景に規格品の大量生産品で、世界市場で勝負するプロクター・ギャンブル。どちらの戦略を選択するにしても、ブランド育成には、時間と費用が必要で、ブランドの絞込みは不可欠である。(Written by Shigeo Sunahara of CBC, Inc.)

No. 47: Fewer brands are better for brand development (March 8, 2010)
In Japan, beverage manufacturers release new products one after another. Too many competitors and too many competitive products are undergoing harsh battle in the market that will not grow as fast as it did before due to falling birthrate. Sapporo Beverage, a subsidiary of Sapporo Breweries, increased the number of brands to compete successfully with other bigger beverage manufacturers and recorded operating deficit three years in a row. The company was brave enough to decrease the number of brands drastically and pursue marketing strategy suitable to the company strength by reducing costs for advertising and sales promotion. This strategy worked well, and the company now enjoys increasing profits. Seiko Watch has also decreased the number of brands to half. Regardless of company size, every Japanese company needs to construct a systematic brand strategy with a view to competing in the global market. Instead of pursing the American type strategy featured by mass production of standardized products, European luxury brands, such as Gucci and Hermes, have successfully established their presence in the global market as crowns of craftsmanship. In contrast, such leading U.S. companies, as McDonald’s and Proctor & Gamble, are dominant in the global market with mass production of standardized products against the background of spreading western lifestyle. Whichever strategy a Japanese company selects, it needs lots of time and money to bring up a brand. It is vital to narrow down brands for an effective and efficient strategy.