消費の多様化が進み、全国一律価格と規模の経済性を追求した大手スーパーチェーンの苦戦が続く。そんな中、地方小売の伸びが目立っている。消費が多様化すれば、品揃えや値決めで小回りがきく地方企業のほうが強い。首都圏に地盤をもつ、ある中小の食品スーパーは価格交渉を進めやすい業界2位以下の企業の商品を中心に大量調達している。毎日安く売るから、チラシの配布や特売スペース設置のコストも不要である。米ウォールマートの幹部が視察に訪れたのも理解できる。グローバル化が進むでも、決して所得は均一にならないし、国や地域ごとの消費動向に違いは残る。地球を平均的に見るべきではない。このような全体の流れを理解せず、政府は全国一律の御旗のもとに、時給\800を全国一律の最低賃金とする政策を打ち出している。時代錯誤もはなはだしい。全国一律いう発想は、票を集めるには効果があっても、経済の活性化にはつながらず、完全に時代に逆行している。(Written by Shigeo Sunahara of CBC, Inc.)

No. 33: Pursuing market segmentation (November 24, 2009)
Consumption is growing more and more diverse. Leading supermarket chains characterized by nationally unified prices and economies of scale have a tough game. It is noteworthy that community-based retailers are enjoying brisk business in these turbulent days. As diversification develops, community-based retailers are in a better position because they can respond to diversified consumption more quickly and precisely in assortment and pricing than nationwide volume retailers. A medium-sized food supermarket in the Tokyo metropolitan area organizes its assortment with an emphasis on products from market followers instead of market leaders and gets highly competitive prices through volume purchases. Because it can sell cheap every day, it does not need flyers nor does it need cost to set up space for special sale. It is not surprising that Wal-Mart staffs came to this supermarket to learn its know-how. Even though globalization develops, income will never become uniform, and consumption trends unquestionably continue to vary with country and area. It is a mistake to pursue the global or country average. Not understanding these trends, the Japanese government tries to set up the national minimum hourly wage at \800. It is an outrageously anachronical idea. Although it is effective to collect ballots to proclaim a policy based on the uniformity across the country, it does not help a country stimulate its economy. It is a totally retrograde attitude.